2018 fall tour stop to eat in Indian Head, SK.
800 New Brunswick Middle School students enjoying Rabbit and Bear Paws Stories
2018 M’chigeeng fall harvest
2018 M’chigeeng fall harvest
2018 friends united, Cape Breton.
A young fan enjoying the comical Adventures of Rabbit and Bear Paws at the 2016 Wikwemikong Pow wow.
Always much appreciated gift to receive a hand written letter. Meegwetch (Thank you) to all the grade 7 students of Wapawikoscikan C.S in Pelican Narrows, SK.
Amazing times of laughter and joy at the Shawanosowe First Nation School in Birch Island, Ontario.
800 students at Opawikoscikan School in Pelican narrows, SK. having fun with Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry.
Funny students hanging out with Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry in fly-in FN community of Neskantaga FN.
Amazing fun loving students hanging with Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry in Kasabonika Lake FN. Thank you to OAC for helping to make this trip happen.
Fan thank you art from Ecole Dugald in Manitoba. 2015
Rabbit drumming to his own song.
Rabbit honouring Grandfather fire with a song.
Meegwetch Ray Solomon for helping to build this campfire. 🙂
Up on stage Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry help storytellers, Elder Howard Walker, Leah Dorion and local Rosthern, Sk, Canadian youth, share the story of the Dream catcher and the Seven Grandfathers. On the the first official night of Aboriginal storytelling month in Saskatchewan, Canada.
Subject: Saskatchewan Aboriginal Storytelling Month Launch February 3, 2015
Title: Rabbit and Bear Paws Go to School
Written by: Sean Brooks, Branch Manager, Wheatland Regional Library
Students at Rosthern Elementary enjoyed a launch day visit from Chad Solomon and his interactive puppet theater called Rabbit and Bear Paws: The Way.
He retold the Anishinabe Creation teaching of Nanabazhoo and the Animals. Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry posed for a school picture celebrating the announcement by the Honourable Don Morgan, Minister of Education, that February is designated as Aboriginal Storytelling Month in Saskatchewan. http://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/government-structure/cabinet/honourable-don-morgan“
For Aboriginal people, storytelling is both a gift and a very old custom sanctioned by the people to teach, entertain, and remember. Throughout February First Nations & Métis storytelling events are held in schools, libraries, and community organizations throughout Saskatchewan. 2015 features a variety of storytellers at venues across the province.
Launch day also included a visit to Rosthern Junior College where Chad discussed the impact of storytelling on Aboriginal culture, the oral tradition and the use of puppets with a theatre arts class.
The formal event in the evening had 3 storytellers. Elder Howard Walker graciously performed the dual duties of MC and storyteller; Leah Dorion read from her books and spoke on the importance of sharing stories with children. http://leahdorion.ca“ Chad presented the Seven Grandfather’s teachings which included all three storytellers and some of the younger audience members as puppeteers.
Hosted by Library Services for Saskatchewan Aboriginal Peoples since 2004 the storytelling month continues to grow in popularity. I encourage everyone to attend a local event.
<a href=”https://lssap.wordpress.com/“>https://lssap.wordpress.com/</a>
The Elders Clover Blossom and Grey Stone, hang out with the Seventh Generation the Six Nations Fall Fair 2014.
Happy eager students at St. Gerard school in Mississauga, On. To help share the story of Rabbit and Bear Paws: The Way.
One smiling little turtle waiting to help share the story. 🙂
The students at Anges Macphail school in Toronto created a grand welcoming for Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry. With the colouring-contest art pages. So very cool!! 🙂 Indie reading our graphic novel, Adventures of Rabbit and Bear Paws: True Hearts. After a day at Hiawatha Powwow, 2014. Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry in Thompson, MB. Hanging with the King Miner in Thompson, MB. Images from the puppet show called the – Dream Catcher and the Seven Grandfathers – at the Juniper elementary school in Thompson, MB. Many thanks to Lorie Henderson, the staff and students of Mystery Lake School Division, UCN University, the wonderful cree people and a very special thank you to Loretta Dykun and her husband. For giving me a space to stay in the incredible city of Thompson, MB. Here is a selection of the great and fantastic fan art from Regal Road Public School in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The 2014, 17th Annual Ottawa Children & Youth Traditional Pow Wow was such a great time to see so many family and friends. Here is some of the pictures. 🙂 The boys hanging out! 🙂 Meegwetch Pauline for allowing me to take this picture. All of us at the Little Spirit Bear Family would like to introduce, Rabbit and Bear Paws grandparents/ parents – Grey Stone and Clover Blossom as puppets! 🙂 Grey Stone likes having his picture taken with his friends. Finally would like to say a Chi-Meegwetch (Many thanks) to The Ontario Arts Council for the help in creation of the puppets Grey Stone and Clover Blossom. Plus to Delores Peltier-Corkey and all the Pow Wow organizers and volunteers for such a great weekend. Bear Paws the little giant, is admiring the Sleeping Giant in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. Very talented young puppeteers in Saugeen First Nation #29, ON, Canada. Special Thank you (Meegwetch) to Melissa Root for organizing the event! 🙂 Friends Jiibay (Spirit) met at the Georgian College 2014 Pow Wow. Jiibay gets a smooch on his cheeks from two pretty ladies. That is just how he rolls. Hahahahah! 🙂 🙂 Awesome Thank you card for the students from MacTier PS, ON, Canada. Does anyone have a pot big enough to cook the lobster that Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry caught in Shediac, New Brunswick, Canada???? 🙂 🙂 An artistic gift from an up and coming artist in Burnt Church (Esgenoôpetitj) First Nation in New Brunswick Canada.
Back from our latest successful tour in the Fist Nations of Elsipogtog (Big Cove) , Esgenoôpetitj (Burnt Chruch). Plus, New Brunswick Public Schools Terry Fox Elementary School, Parkwood Heights Elementary School, meegwetch (thank you) to Pabineau First Nation for making the Bathurst NB visit possible. Finally, to Park Street School in Fredericton and Centennial School in Saint John New Brunswick. I would like to send a HUGE thank you to Lori Cox for helping to make this eastern tour possible and to my Father for his assistance in my travels in NB. 🙂 Students and staff from the junior school in Wikwemikong, First Nation pose for a group picture with Rabbit, Bear Paws, Strawberry and their friend Jiibay. Jiibay and the Rabbit and Bear Paws: Choose your own path was made possible of the Ontario Arts Council. Nimikii Osawamick who played Jiibay in Wikwemikong holds up one a foot of Jiibay. Fan art from the Rabbit and Bear Paws: Choose your own path puppet show at Wikwemikong, First Nation. Jiibay, Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry hanging out for a picture with the AWESOME students of Britt public school. Students of Henvey Inlet First Nations. Meegwetch to Will Morin who played the puppet Jiibay. Introducing our newest puppet Jiibay (Jiibay means Spirit in the Anishinabe). Chi-Meegwetch (Many Thanks ) to the Ontario Arts Council for their support!! Puppeteer Nimkii Osawamick show the legs of Jiibay (Spirit). Puppeteer Nimkii Osawamick Sweating in the Jiibay (Spirit) suit. 2013 Children’s Pow Wow in Ottawa, Canada! The pictures below is a pictorial journal of Rabbit, Bear Paws, Strawberry and Chad’s, 2013 Western Canadian Tour. We all hope you enjoy the pictures.:) Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry stare in wonder at the dinosaurs and ancestors found at the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller, Alberta, Canada! Posing with the ancestors! 🙂 Rabbit and Strawberry hitch a ride on a dinosaur! Bear Paws decided to walk as he did not like the smell of the dinosaur! 🙂 Thank you to the Royal Tyrrell Museum for allowing me to take photos of my puppets at displays!!! 🙂 A-maze-ing Laughter, is the name of these fantastic sculptures in Vancouver city. A big thank you to my cousin Lorraine Delamorandiere for suggesting these awesome guys to meet. They are so very funny!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 This totem is welcoming our friends to Stanley park. BC. Thank you to my Uncle Don in helping me get this picture. 🙂 Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry hanging out in Stanley park, BC. Watching a ferry on my return trip from the Vancouver Island. Rabbit, Bear paws, Strawberry and Chad doing a photo with the amazing students of Saseenos Elementary, BC. Beautiful art at the Sooke elementary school, BC. The path the BC ferry traveled to Vancouver Island. The BC ferry is not cheap, ouch!! Fast moving waters of the Fraser River. Here is a really cool rock formation still in the Fraser Cannon. Continuing my trip through BC. This image is travel south through the Fraser Cannon. Rabbit is a fan of the Winnipeg Jets hockey team, lol. Great picture Dionne and Adrian!! 🙂 Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry would like to say Mussi Cho (Mussi is pronounced like saying the word – must). Mussi cho means a – big thank you – in the local First Nations language of the Carrier (Lheidli T’enneh) people of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada. Plus a Mussi cho to the amazing people Janice, Monica and Peter who helped organize the events in Prince George, British Columbia, Canada. This banner was done by the awesome kids of Janice Parker’s students.:) Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry were excited to visit with fans from the Strongstart program in the Nusdeh Yoh school in Prince George, British Columbia, Canada. Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry visit some friends in Prince George, British Columbia,Canada. Rabbit, Strawberry and Chad hanging out with the famous Mr. PG in Prince George, British Columbia, Canada. Pictures of the amazing mountains in the Pine Pass coming from Fort St. John to Prince George, British Columbia,Canada. Chain saw sculptures in Chetwynd, British Columbia, Canada. Rabbit, Bear Paws, Strawberry and the animals having fun with the ladies of Sas Natsadle Aboriginal Head Start in Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada. On the traditional lands of the Beaver and Cree people. Thank you Darlene for organizing this event. 🙂 Waking up to the snow in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Fan art from Dorintosh, Saskatchewan, Canada. The sky in northern Saskatchewan. Fan art from the Louis Riel School division in Manitoba, Canada. Rabbit decides to travel with his new friend Dionne to meet more people. First welcoming sign on my western Canada Tour Fan art from the Louis Riel School Division in Winnipeg Manitoba. Special Thanksgiving FREE COLOURING page. Hover mouse over image and left click to print image! It is always nice to be recognized for our work! 🙂 Welcome to Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada 2013. Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry travel to the head of Turtle Island (North America) for the incredible – Alianait Arts Festival – in Iqaluit Nunavut. For anybody who is curious, no, Iqaluit is not in the North Pole. 🙂 Here is a local Iqaluit sign to show how much further, you would have to travel to reach the North Pole. Hahaha. The local people have a great sense of humour!! 🙂 Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry meet our VERY FUNNY and BEAUTIFUL hosts, Una (age 3, left) and Kia (age 5, right). Hahahahaha! Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry check out the vistor’s centre. Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry pose for a picture with the stone drummer. The drummer was cut and carved from 10,000 lbs of stone and took 7 – 10 sculptors to complete the work. The finished sculptor is 2400 lbs and had to be air lifted through the ceiling to where it now stands. The BIG TENT where Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry did one of three performances in Iqaluit. Introducing Rabbit at the Alianait Arts Festival. Enthusiastic local youth who want to help as puppeteers in our story. Selecting one of 5 youths to help as puppeteers. Rabbit and young puppeteers sharing the story of Rabbit and Bear Paws – The Way. This picture below is of Rabbit, Bear Paws and Strawberry, with puppets from the VERY FAMOUS Takuginai group, Isaaci who is also known as Grandpa, and Johnny who is the lemur mouse. The amazing and talented puppeteer holding Isaaci and Johnny is Michael of the Takuginai puppet group. Finally, this picture could not happen without the help of Tau, who is holding Strawberry up. With my final performance done at the vistor’s centre , I now had time to enjoy and explore Iqaluit. The people of Iqaluit loved to celebrate Canada. Canadian flags were flying everywhere on Canada day weekend. This picture was taken from the kitchen table of my host family that I was staying with. One of two bouncy castles just outside the big tent area for the local youth. This picture below was taken along the local river called Apex river. It is almost mid-night when the picture is taken. It never did get dark as we know it in southern Ontario. Sun for 24 hours a day, what an amazing experience. The food experience that my host family Karen, Grant, Una and Kia provided, was the experience of a life time. I tried Arctic Char, Musk-ox and the Narwhal whale that is seen in the picture below. HMMM… I could go for a bite to Narwhal right now. 🙂 There was art on every street I traveled in Iqaluit. You could find a stone carver almost on every street working on carvings to sell. In the picture below, on one of the better weather days, I traveled to the Sylvia Grinnell Territorial Park, which is about 30 minute walk from town. Local flowers found around town. Local landmark. This stone looks like, if the little stones below were not there, that the boulder would crash down the hill. 🙂 Funny licence plate that was on the taxi that I had taken while in Iqaluit. The fast moving waters of the Apex river, near the mouth of the river. On our last day in Iqaluit, our hosts Kia and Una give Bear Paws HUGE farewell hugs. Iqaluit is one of the greatest places in Canada. For the beauty of the local area and hospitality of the people. I would like to give many many thanks to the Alianait Arts Festival and the organizer Heather Daley and to ALL the amazing volunteer staff who make Alianait Arts Festival possible!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Also once again to my host family, THANK YOU, to Karen, Grant and the funny and beautiful girls Una and Kia for the incredible experience! Also to many thanks to Darlene Patterson ( www.darlenepatterson.wordpress.com) who provided many great pictures of my performance at the big tent. Finally, as I was waiting at the airport, the GREAT gentlemen of Coman Arctic Limited ( www.comanarctic.com) had provided me with INTERNET ACCESS. To help me connect with all the emails that were waiting for my return. Thank you Coman Arctic Limited!!! ONE of the many Fantastic THANK YOU letters from the students of
Roseneath School PUBLIC SCHOOL 🙂
The BIGGEST letter we have EVER received (2 x 3 feet ) from fantastic students of HILLSIDE SCHOOL, Chippewas of Kettle Point, First Nation. :)) North Preparatory School in Toronto welcomes Rabbit and Bear Paws with the largest welcome banner ever made for the boys, 8 feet x 2 1/2 feet long!!! 🙂 The AWESOME thank you card from Heartland Colony School, MB Our Bear makes a new friend at the Georgian College Pow Wow. Awesome students of Pegamigaabo school. Performing Rabbit and Bear Paws – The Way with the youth of the after school program, Biwaase’aa. Boys hanging out in Thunder Bay. Ont. Rabbit and Bear Paws visit Pope John Paul II School in Barrie ONT. Wow, we’re starting volume 6 of the Adventures of Rabbit and Bear Paws comic strip! It feels like just yesterday that Christopher and I started telling the story of our two young heroes and their friend Strawberry. Of course, let’s not forget their dog Giibot too. 🙂 Here is your sneak peek at the launch of the new volume 6 storyline! LOOK!! We have fans! Yes, we have some truly amazing readers who enjoy our stories and characters. It is because of our great fans that we continue to share the comical adventures of Rabbit and Bear Paws with the young and the young-at-heart. Here are two photos of some our past contest winners! First, our amazing fan who suggested this great idea: Melanie Jean Mayfield of Modesto, California. And this is our fan Natalie, with Rabbit on Fort Walton Beach, Florida! If you would like to enter our contests for chances to win free books, shirts, and an appearance on this blog, subscribe to our FAN CLUB NEWSLETTER by sending a blank email to: chadsol@gmail.com ! PLEASE NOTE: For fans under the age of 18, we will need a permission slip from your parents for us to post your image on our website. We like to receive gifts to. Here is two images of the art and comments of our young fans. Click image to enlarge the picture to read.